Payment & Royalty Reports
If your contract requires you to report royalties, please fill out the form below. Please note that we no longer accept physical reports or checks. However, we do accept digital payment methods, which are provided below for your convenience. For any payment and royalty report questions, please contact Pay@cmgworldwide.com.
WIRE TRANSFER: To pay via wire transfer or ACH, please use the following banking details: KeyBank 10 West Market Street, Suite 100 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Account Holder: CMG Worldwide, Inc Account #: 149681026568 Routing #: 041001039 SWIFT Code: KEYBUS33
CREDIT CARD: Please email the following: Name on Credit Card, Card Number, CVV Security Code (on back), Expiration Date, Billing ZIP Code, Payment Amount ($) (including 3% fee), Email Address. A copy of the credit card receipt will be emailed to you once the payment is being processed.
PAYPAL: Please send funds to PayPal address Pay@cmgworldwide.com (including 3% fee) and send confirmation email to Pay@cmgworldwide.com once funds have been sent.
VENMO: Please send funds to Venmo address Mark@cmgww.com (including 3% fee) and send confirmation email to Pay@cmgworldwide.com once funds have been sent.
INVOICE: If you require an invoice below is the form for you to complete and download for your records.