Olivia De Berardinis

About Olivia De Berardinis
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Olivia De Berardinis is an American artist, famous for her pinup paintings of women. Beginning in the 1970s, she kick started her career and became a contributor to Playboy in 1985. In June 2004, she was granted her own section of the magazine for pinups and continued perfecting her craft.
1977 – Started O Card Company to publish artwork as greeting cards
1985 – Became a contributor to Playboy
2004 – Given her own monthly pinup page for Playboy
The brilliant pin-up artist, Olivia De Berardinis on Bettie Page: "When I first saw photos of Bettie Page, I didn't understand her or the world she posed for. I just loved her. She had spunk."
"She is the action hero of pinup. She has been an endless fountain of ideas and images waiting for me to paint."
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