María Félix

About María Félix
- Biography
- Quotes
María de los Ángeles Félix Güereña, known as María Félix, is undoubtedly the most famous Mexican actress. From the Golden Era of Mexican cinematography, María Félix is widely known to many as ‘the most beautiful face in the history of Mexican cinema.” Her impeccable taste for luxury and strong personality garnered her the title of “diva” in her early career. Félix was best known for her role in the film, Doña Bárbara, where she donned the character of a strong woman who went beyond the traditional roles of Latin American women. Félix’s performance was so powerful that she became known as “La Doña” in honor of her unforgettable character. In addition, Félix understood the strength of her star power and intentionally engaged it to speak up in Mexican national media toward important causes, including: female empowerment and women equality; indigenous rights; and the importance of preserving historical architecture in Mexico City. Today, despite the incredible work she did for her country, her influence and prominence spans far beyond Mexico to Latin America, Spain, Italy, and France.
"Yo nunca he criticado a las lesbianas ni a los homosexuales, lo que hace la gente de la cintura para abajo son sus historias no las mias. / I have never criticized lesbians nor homosexuals, as what people do below the waist are their stories not mine."
"Cuando un reportero en Argentina le pregunto: Maria, es cierto que eres lesbiana? Ella respondio,"si todos los hombres fueran tan feos como tu yo creo si lo seria". / When asked by a reporter in Argentina: Maria, are you a lesbian? Maria Félix responded with: If all men were as unattractive as you are, then I probably would have become one.”
"Donde estoy yo esta la suerte. / Where I am is where luck is."
"Una mujer original no es aquella que no imita a nadie sino aquella ala que nadie puede imitar. / An original woman is not one who cannot imitate, but one that no one can imitate."
"Vale mas dar envidia que piedad. / It is worth more to inspire envy than pity."
"No me creo la divina garza, soy la divina garza. / I don’t believe I am the divine heron, I am the divine heron. (Or an Anglo-transliteration might be: I don’t believe I am the Queen Bee, I am the Queen Bee.)"
"Las flores son un mal negocio duran un dia y hay que agradecerlas un mes. / Getting flowers is a bad business. They only last one day and you have to give thanks for them for a month."
"Es mas divertido hablar bien de mi que mal de los demas. / It’s more fun to speak well about myself than speak ill of others."
"Hablar de mi es muy severo, por que soy mucho mejor de lo que parezco. / To speak about my self is quite severe because I am much better than what I appear to be."
"Nunca he querido tanto como me quiero a mi misma, por eso nadie me ha hecho sufrir. / I have never loved anyone as I love myself, therefore no one has made me suffer."
"Habiendo tantos hombres, por que llorar por uno? / With so many men around, why cry for only one?"
"A un hombre hay que llorarle tres dias….al cuarto te pones tacones y ropa nueva. / (On a break-up) A man is worth crying over only for three days, then by the fourth day you get into high heels and new clothes."
"El dinero no se detiene mucho tiempo en manos de los imbeciles. / Money doesn't stay around long in hands of imbeciles."
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